The secret is to work your jawline and 'the squinch'.

"What the heck is a squinch?", I hear you say.

I’m a big fan of Peter Hurley. He’s a headshot photographer from New York City. I love and totally subscribe to his techniques. He seems to be able to relax and evoke emotions from his clients like no other photographer.

Below you will find two videos from Peter describing ways to lose the double chin and look confident in front of the camera every time.


1) It's all about the Jaw - flatter the jawline and reduce any loose skin under the chin.


2) Squinching - how to not have that deer in the headlights look.


The photograph of me at the top of the page was taken by Peter. He had me squinching and working my jawline like crazy!! I was lucky enough to score the last spot in Peter’s Headshot Intensive Workshop. A weekend focusing only on making great headshots.

Post created by Wellington headshot photographer, Tim Morrison