You know how some days just seem to flow?

Everything is easy. Your mood is high and you’re ticking tasks off your todo list at top speed! Wouldn’t it be great to have your photoshoot on one of those days? You, feeling great and looking amazing. This is how I aim to turn up your shoot, with a spring in my step. That way I can nail all the shots, help you feel relaxed and make your experience enjoyable and painless.

Here’s a few tips that I use to up my energy and get ‘in state’ for the task in hand:

1). Music

As you’re getting ready for your shoot, play your favourite music… LOUD!!! Make sure that you sing and dance around like a crazy person. Have a party, pretend your getting dressed up for a Friday night out. (Minus the pre going out alcohol. Turning up drunk to your shoot is never a good look).

2). Exercise 

Get your endorphins flowing! Another great way to lift your state. Take a fast walk, go for a run, bounce on your child’s trampoline or do some start jumps. What ever it takes to get you breathing hard and that heart rate up. Pump your music load for an extra boost. (Best get your exercise in before getting ready for your shoot to avoid sweaty looking photos 😂).

Now that you’re flying high and feeling great your photoshoot should be a breeze. You are now, as Tony Robbins would say, “in state”. Anything that you put your mind too can now be accomplished with much more enthusiasm!


Post created by Wellington headshot photographer, Tim Morrison