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Introducing Michal McCracken, the founder of Space & Grace
Meet productivity and life coach, Michal McCracken from Space & Grace.
Michal’s aim is to help women achieve their personal and professional goals with confidence.
Michal also loves animals and her first business was a dog daycare. Michal’s next business moved her work online, supporting and teaching people to train their own dogs. However, overtime Michal noticed that it wasn’t just the pets who needed help. Their owners also needed support, and so, Michal pivoted into life coaching and Space & Grace was found.
What was your vision when you first started your venture?
Dogs are a big part of my life. I worked in the pet care industry since 2005 as a dog trainer and I ran a dog daycare. But, it burnt me out and I neglected my own well-being. So, I sold the dog daycare business.
Next I worked on bringing the pieces that I loved about my previous business to a new venture, while leaving the stress behind. I settled on an online dog training business. This worked out well, even with Covid becoming widespread.
Through helping women train their dogs, I noticed they actually needed support themselves. That's when I become certified as a coach and started helping dog owners with more than just their pets. Now, I work with people who aren't necessarily dog owners, but that's how I made the transition into coaching. It wasn't easy to evolve, but I believed in myself and made it happen.
How did you deal with early setbacks?
When things don't go well for me, I would talk badly to myself. But I'm trying to stop that now. It isn’t helpful. These days when something goes wrong, I take a moment to think about it, then figure out how I can learn from this experience to move forward.
I struggle with not being so hard on myself. I often tell myself that I should be doing better and that I'm not good enough. But I'm working on changing that.
In terms of obstacles, I don't usually let things get in my way. I just keep pushing forward until I figure things out.
Coaching is a well-know business category. There’s many successful coaches out there. I know success is possible, I just have to figure it how to do that. When I started my dog daycare business, I didn't have anyone to get advice from, which made things harder. But with my new business, I have more experience and knowledge, so I feel more confident.
Was there a time that you wanted to give up?
I've never wanted to give up, but I have changed my direction a few times as I've grown and learned. It can be hard, but having a clear idea of who I want to be and what I want to do helps me get through those tough times. For example, if I'm currently working as a dog trainer but want to be a productivity and life coach, I start making decisions like a productivity and life coach.
Since I realise that I wanted to be a productivity coach, I haven't changed my focus. I think many people struggle with being busy, unfocused, not knowing where they want to go. That's where my coaching comes in - helping people with productivity and life strategies, and fixing the negative self-talk in their heads.
Were there any traps that you fell into?
I have a problem where I often fall for good marketing. If someone convinces me that I need to buy something, I usually do. This happened a lot when I was trying to learn how to start an online dog training business. I bought many courses without really knowing what I was doing. I even tried to get my friends to stop me from buying courses, but I always found a way around them.
When you're building a business and you don't know what you're doing, it's easy to fall for marketing that promises a magic solution. I learned a lot through my experience, and now I'm much more careful about what I buy. I ask myself if I really need it and what I'll get in return.
One of my biggest problems is that I tend to watch videos and read books without actually following through with the steps. I know I should be more disciplined, but it's hard. Right now, I feel like I have enough information and don't need to buy anything else.
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What inspires and motivates you?
Really making a difference for my clients. Because I know what it's like to be in their shoes. I understand the feeling of moving fast but not knowing where you're headed and having to take on many different roles that you don't enjoy. I wear many hats throughout the day - getting my kids ready for school, transporting them to activities, working as a couch, preparing meals, (it’s my least favourite task. I know I need to change my negative mindset about it. However, I still have to figure out what's for dinner every night.)
I love helping others who are in the same place that I was in a few years ago. I know what I needed back then, which helps me think about what they might need now. It's like being of service to myself. Putting yourself first can be a foreign concept to many people.
Can you describe a breakthrough that you're particularly proud of?
So, I purchased Stacy Boehman’s life couching course. It took me some time to decide if I wanted it or not, as I didn't want to make an impulsive decision. Once I made the decision, I was excited to start, but there was so much content that I began to feel overwhelmed and stressed. My negative self-talk, which I refer to as my mean girl, started to berate me for not purchasing the course sooner. However, I caught myself and remembered to be kind to myself. I followed the process that I teach others, plotting out the work that needed to be done in my planner. I took my time to go through the content methodically and calmly, and eventually felt proud of myself for the progress I had made. We should all try to be kind to ourselves and stop unnecessary stress.
What do you see as being your biggest lesson?
One of the biggest lessons I've learned is that I am in control of my results. My thoughts control my feelings, which control my actions, which then control my results. It doesn't matter what the circumstances are. It could be setting up a business during a recession or dealing with the kids at home. I'm still responsible for how I think, feel, and act. And therefore, responsible for my results. This was a huge realisation.
Has your vision always been clear and how has it evolved?
At first, I wasn't sure what I wanted to do. I was working with dogs and I thought, "Could I help dog moms with their lives?" So, I set up a page about it on my dog training website. But when I showed it to people they didn't understand what I was trying to do. So, I decided to split it up. I made one site for dog training and one site for coaching.
Now that I've figured out that I want to focus on coaching, everything is clear. I know who I am and who I can help. But it wasn't easy to get here.
What would you do differently if you had to start again from scratch?
If I were to start from scratch, I would hire a coach to help me manage my thoughts and overcome obstacles more effectively. Business coaches are great, but I think having someone who can help me deal with mental challenges would be more valuable.
When you start a new venture, it's easy to fall back into old patterns and behaviours, which can hinder your progress. That's why having a coach who can call you out on your negative thought patterns and help you change your mindset is crucial. I might be biased because I am a coach myself. But I've seen tremendous results in myself and my clients by addressing their mental blocks.
Changing your thoughts can be challenging, and it's a common struggle that many people face. Even if you've tried various methods, like attending Tony Robbins events, it's important to remember that the responsibility for change lies with you. A coach can provide you with tools and support, but ultimately, it's up to you to take action and work through the process. I'm still a work in progress, and I still catch myself falling back into old habits, but with the right mindset, you can achieve your goals.
If you have enjoyed this article and want to start a conversation with Michal, you can reach out on:
Instagram: @space_and_grace_coaching_
Discovery coaching call
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Interview and photography by Wellington Headshot Photographer Tim Morrison (all rights reserved)